Monday, April 9, 2012

1840's Straw Bonnet

I love bonnets, I suppose that's why
so many of my dolls wear them!     

This is my 1840's straw spoon bonnet
 that I wore when I went to historic
 art shows or historic re-enactments. 
(I rarely go anymore, I'm just getting
too old for that sort of thing).  
 Embellished with an antique 4 inch
 wide French silk ribbon in a
wonderful cinnamon color.
I purchased this spoon bonnet
from a company called
 "Just Two Tailors",they
have a wonderful selection
of historic straw hats and bonnets.
I used velvet flowers and leaves,
 vintage German spun cotton and composition
 fruits, berries, mushrooms
and vintage glass balls as decoration
for the bonnet.

 A small spray of flowers
on the inside too.
The interior is lined with muslin.
 The bavolet is hand crocheted.
You can see the functional ties.
Often the ribbon on a bonnet was
just for decoration.
Below are links to bonnets at the
Metropolitan Museum of Art.



  1. Oh, how beautiful. Thank you for sharing.

  2. Thank you for your kind words about my dolls. I'll be happy to look after your creativity. I love textile dolls. I am a member Maida Dolls Group.Olga/

  3. I took the tour of bonnets. Amazing. I loved them all. thanks you for putting this up for us. martha

  4. I don't know how I missed this post. I really enjoyed the tour of bonnets at the art museum and am saving these links. I also realized the spoon bonnet you have pictured above is the one you are wearing in your profile picture on MAIDA...right? Lovely bonnet and lovely photo!

  5. Sherri, I just saw your storybook doll this morning; she's so very pretty. You do amazing work. Charlotte


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