Sunday, June 11, 2017

Cappy's New Friend

It's not unusual to see deer in our yard.  Our cabin is 
surrounded by woods on all 4 sides.  Part of our
morning "coffee drinkin" "porch sittin" ritual, is
 counting the deer that cross our driveway.  Last year we
had a mamma with 3 little babies that made a morning
& evening return trek across the yard.  We literally
watched them grow up.  Cappy often waits at the 
end of the sidewalk to catch sight of the travelers.
This year, we have a doe that casually walks 
down the driveway and meanders around 
the yard and the woods that border our yard. 
From a safe distance, Cappy keeps a 
curious but watchful eye on the visitor.
This usually lasts about 30 minutes.
How strange is that?


  1. WOW, these are extraordinary photos, Cappy is so adorable!

    1. Thanks Judi, The doe doesn't seem to be frightened of us either. Very strange.

  2. Your little dog is a cutie. He reminds me of our little dog Tootie. Short and stocky, but cute as can be. We see the deer here too, but not as much as you do. Being close to the woods and near water, I imagine you see lots of animals there. enjoy the deer visits as Cappy does.

    1. Thanks Martha, yes, we seen lots of critters and being close to water is part of the reason. We see lots of turtles too. Watching Cappy with the doe has been interesting. The doe doesn't seem to be frightened of us either.

  3. Thanks Sandra, it has been interesting watching the interaction between Cappy and the doe.


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