Monday, December 24, 2018

Christmas 2018-Where have I been!

Some of you must be wondering 
where I have been for a year.
My New Year's Resolution for 2018
was to spend less time on the "box".
 Somehow, that turned into
no Facebook, no Pinterest and 
no Blog!
The hubs and I both have been busy.
Hitty's room is finished and
she's decorated for Christmas, 
the triple decker has a third floor 
and I am working on a room box
for my Robert Raikes Annabelle 
doll.  The hubs built 2 raised 
garden beds..... that 
kept me busy last summer.  
Our daughter purchased a little 
house that needed remodeling.
The hubs and I spent lots of time
in Tennessee helping to restore it.  
Here is a link to the
 My resolution for 2019 is to 
return to the blog, no tutorials,
less photos and catch up on 
all the ladies happenings.
No Facebook and no Pinterest.
(I don't miss them at all), but
I have missed all the ladies.
Please forgive my absence.
Have a Merry Christmas &
the happiest New Year.