Sunday, December 2, 2012

Our Eccentric Neighbor

We have a rather eccentric "good"
neighbor.  He goes by the alias Rufus Swan. 
He's a retired computer programmer,
confirmed bachelor (no ex wives, no
children & no pets), musician and occasional
 carpenter.  A couple years ago he started a
 project at the end of his drive way 
to "display" his house numbers.
Rufus is an avid member of the local historical
 society.  He has a great interest in the
historic buildings in this part of the Ozarks.
  I was very anxious to see his creation
Perhaps it would be an miniature school
house or
 Yep...... he built an Ozark outhouse. 
Now, some folks probably wouldn't
 appreciate this sort of humor, but we
 happen to think it's a hoot!
When Christmas rolled around that
year, I snuck over and hung this sign.
I thought it was the perfect decoration
for someone who doesn't get "into" the
holiday spirit much.  It hangs there still.
He often mentions the latest person
who stops to read his sign and
take a photo of his outhouse!
The house numbers are just to the left
 of the lantern and above the dishpan. 
 When I give directions to my house, I end
them by saying...............
"We're the first driveway on the left,
past the outhouse."
Not many people
can say that!
Enjoy the season.


  1. That is real cute. He did build a pretty nice outhouse. When we were little we would go to see my Uncle Dewey, he never married. He had no electricity and no running water in the house. He had a outhouse too. I remember it pretty well, it didn't look as good at this one, but sweet memories all the same. Super post. I enjoyed it alot.

  2. I love this story and your signage is perfect for the outhouse. Thank you sharing and giving me a big chuckle, :~)

  3. So does he use this outhouse? Fun story, Sherri, and sounds like a fun neighbor!

  4. Oh, I love the outhouse! Your sign is a perfect adornment. I can tell we have a similar sense of humor. 'Tis the season ♥


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